Wednesday, October 7, 2009

When I look in the mirror...

It's funny, I have been beaten down by life for the bast four years. And I was thinking tonight. I am feeling good about my situation! I have my son, who loves me even when sometimes I don't feel like he does. I get my time with him. And I am in okay shape, to most people I am skinny and have the perfect body, but that isn't what I mean. I work out when I can to make myself feel better. I am single, but I do have men who like me. I have a house of my very own and I can pay all of my bills without flinching like when I was married. I am, I think, my prettiest. I just got my moles on my face removed. Not my Marilyn, but the two honkers that most kids like to point out are now gone! I look in the mirror and feel good. I am doing my best and God has made it work!! And I am so thankful for everything! Thank you Mama Kat for giving me the prompt!!!


Gamma Sharon said...

Thats what I like to hear, little girl!
Your Momma loves you!

La Belle Mere said...

Glad to hear all is well with you! Stopping by from Mama Kat's Writing Workshop!

LBM xxx