Gunnar tries my patience every chance he gets, but I had thursday, friday, and saturday off. So, thursday I did the grown up stuff like cleaning and laundry (ugh!!). Then Jamey had us come down and go to dinner and then the next day to the crazy days(lots of sales!) and then we went up to see his son and parents up at their cabi

n. I thought cabin, Gun
nar will love it! But the kids were much older and they like to play on the quads and he loves them but is just to young to just play on them. He kept trying to follow them around and they wanted nothing to do with him(my poor baby) and Jameys son Kaden is alittle jealous of us when it comes to his Daddy! So, there was a fight with the quads, then he wouldn't leave the doors alone, then the kids, and then....(dun dun dun) the fire pit! Scary!!! I had to keep an eagle eye on him at all times because he wouldn't leave it alone! And then he is getting teeth, so everything Mommy says means do the exact opposite! By the end of the trip I was surprised to have hair! I need to get him out to do things like that more often, but I blame the horrible little attitude on the teeth! So, hopefully next time he will be much better!!

Stopping by from SITS!
My precious Boo!
Love ya, Mom
Cute blog!! Stopping by from SITS!
Thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad you did. Ironically, when I came back to your blog, I felt like I was so at home.
The music..can I just say that my husband and I are the biggest Jack Johnson fans! And Breakdown is his favorite song. Then I see that we have boys who are slightly close in age. Yours just a little younger. But mine is going through this stage where he is OBSESSED with anything that has wheels. He has what we call a "quad" (which is just a 9 volt thing from Target) and he rides it all. day. long.
I told Dada that we are in trouble in the next few years. The funny thing is that me and my husband are river rats, but I have a feeling the Kid will be a dirt rat!
Girl I love your drink of the day section! The second I saw it I smiled!
P.S. I forgot to say this....
Stopping by from SITS (and my blog)to give you a big welcome to the SITStahood. We are so glad that you joined us and we totally look forward to seeing you around! =)
Stopping from SITS
Where did you get the moose?
Enjoy a Tremendous Thursday!!!
Stopping by from SITS - I was a single mom at 17 and again at 24 - it's hard, rewarding, frustrating, invigorating all at the same time. :) I'm glad you found someone you are hitting it off with - I met my husband when I was 25 and I'm 29 now...who knows, maybe the good stuff starts at 25. ;)
stopping by from SITS to say...
1) i like your blog
2) have a nice weekend!
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