I went through a lot to finally end up with the love of my life. I got married at 20, way to young in my opinion! My newly exhusband and I had a rough start with money and alcohol. We ended up pregnant seven months later(or so that is what the doctor said, I believe I was pregnant a little sooner). I decided I would leave David because he was drinking us out of house and home and then he talked me into coming back. I was under so much stress from him and everyday stuff I ended up having a still born at 34 weeks of pregnancy. We named her Achaella Brises. That really took a toll on me. I really didn't want to get over her death. I ended up never sleeping and having to take sleeping pills for about a year. I made really bad choices, like drinking too much. Then my parents moved to Greybull, wyoming. David begged me to move up there so we could be closer, why he did this I have no clue. I continually said no. I was to scared to move anywhere other than where I was from. So on halloween night I spent five hours on the 241 and 91 freeways and I said this is going to kill me. I can't do it any longer. So we moved here to greybull from california. I ended up getting pregnant not even a month later. Then 7 weeks later I miscarried while my husband was passed out in bed. So, I was devasted! I thought how can I put myself through this any longer. So, I looked into adopting, because I wanted a baby so badly. But we couldn't afford it. Davids drinking got ten times worse, so I left! And I wasn't going to let him persuade me back again. Then I found out that I was pregnant! I thought well how can I do it on my own, so I went back again! Things didn't change, and Then once I had Gunnar he got even worse. I sent david to rehab and it didn't work. So now I live with my Gorgeous Gunnar! He keeps me busy(that is for sure, haha). And I wouldn't change anything! I wouldn't know what to do without Gunnar.