And now to explain my made up word! Last night I was one poopity-doo waitress! I had a party of 20 people! Ahhh! (if you know me at all, you know I hate waiting tables!!) So, the party went really well! Yay! Then I go and pick up their plates and I go back for more and this one lady tells me she would like her check! Her check! I was like I wrote it on one ticket could I have you come up to the till and ring you up individually? She said, "I don't think that will work, please give me my ticket"! Ha! So, I go running back to the wait station! I get about 15 of them written out with their drinks and everything! And then they decided to come up to the till! Ha! I think it took me close to an hour to ring all of them up! But they did make it worth my time! Every single lady(it was a table of ladies if I didn't specify before) told me what an amazing job I did! I was pretty funny after it all happened! I am pretty sure when she told me that they all wanted separate tickets I look like a deer in the headlights! LOL!
1 comment:
Yep the old Scooby was better! Lol
Love you, Mom
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