I love Thanksgiving! It's a time for family! When I was younger we would spend everyother holiday with both sides of the family. The women cooking and the guys doing what they do and us kids doing everything possible to sneak some food or pie! When I was alittle older my whole family would go to my parents house and it was wonderful! My parents would cook along with my grandma. Then it was time to eat and almost 20 of us would sit at the tables lined up in the living room. Then after dinner came the pies! Oh! So many pies! Then we would sit there and talk for hours. And now we will still go up to my parents and do the same thing, just not as many of us, but that isn't a bad thing in the least! There is nothing like family and I am always thankful for my family!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Long Time No See!

I have been dating this amazing man named Matt (aka Matty to Gunnar). And he has been keeping me plenty busy! We took a trip up to Great Falls and several to Billings Montana!
And I have started to make purses and sell them! Hopefully soon I can get an Etsy shop started if I could get some time to get some extra purses made! Right now I have four purses to make! I made my first one for me, because I wanted something I could use as a purse and a diaper bag. I love it so much!! And it is so satisfying to make something!Then that
sweet guy of mine got me a suprise a few days ago!!! I came home to an 8th month old Dog! She is a border collie/ setter/ heeler mix. And her name is Martini!! Juno has warmed up to the idea of having a sister finally!!

And that is the short version of my summer! Hopefully I will find more time to write more blogs!!
Love, Laugh, and Drink Up!!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Artini Festival in Cody Wyoming!
I entered the contest for the best Martini at the Terrace Restaurant and Bar in Cody. It is a beautiful restuarant for any occasion! They usually have a Tini Tuesday and they decided to have this contest! I was so pleased to just be apart of it! But I ended up being the judges pick! I thought with my simple martini, which I called Tiki-Tini, I wasn't going to place anything. I displayed it with cubes of jello placed on the inside of the glass and it was a fruity, with a hint of tartness from the alchohol and lemon lime juice. I liked the drink personally, but it seemed too simple compared to all the hard work everyone else put into theres. I got the name from co-workers at work. They said it reminded them of a tiki shasta soda, hence the tiki-tini! I really had fun even with all of my nerves! I can't wait for next year!!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Martini Contest!
If you are in Cody, Wy come see me at the Terrace resturant and bar! I am doing a Martini Contest and I will need all the help I can get!
Love, Laugh, and Drink Up!
Love, Laugh, and Drink Up!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Tina Turbin's books for kids!

So, I recently got an email from Tina Turbin's assistant asking me if I would like to do a book review on a childs book called, "Danny the Dragon Meets Jimmy". I thought it would be fun! I haven't gotten a chance to do a review yet and I thought my son would like this book. To my suprise they sent me a book and a DVD! Gunnar loves me to read to him and he loved this charming story about a boy who is at the beach and finds a unique looking shell and picks it up and to his suprise the shell says "hello". Well, I wont give away the whole story...but I liked the story of how he meets Danny the Dragon! And my son like it as well! Tina wanted to inspire kids to keep the magic, the spirit of fun and imagination in thier lives. The DVD she sent me was a reading of the book with a woman to sign what was being said. The DVD will be released in mid april and half of the profits will be donated to increase awareness and support of literacy and education for Blossom Montessori School for the Deaf and the other half will go to other causes which support literacy and education for the welfare of all children. If I did a good job in this book review don't hesistate in buying this book or DVD for your children! I hope you enjoy it as much as my son and I do! Here is Tina's link if you would like to read more about her...http://tinaturbin.com
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Panties, Alice, and Wild Game!

Monday, March 1, 2010
I'm a Dork!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Valentines, daycare and Daddy!
So, I decided about a month ago that I needed some more projects to do! Well, instead of doing something to my house, like I usually do. I Decided to pick the worst holiday ever and host a party at the resturant I work at to bring in more customers. So, I have procrastinated and now have over fifty party favors to make and have to come up with questions to one of the games I decided we should play. And I don't hate Valentines completely! My dad was the sweetest man ever and would buy my sister and I a carnation and chocolate every year until I turned 16. But I do think it is a day better spent with a bottle of patron than a bunch of people forced to think they are really in love with each other! And that is how I got the nick name pirate last year!!(Not one of my finer moments!) And to top that all off, my mom decided to go visit her uncle and I can't find a babysitter after 5pm so my dad said that he would do it. But he asked me tonight, "What if he poops?" What do you say to that without loosing the only willing person to babysit? So, I say, "Well I guess you can call someone over to clean him or maybe do it yourself?" and he starts gaging! Tomorrow will be a fun night!!! If only I could video tape the whole event!! LOL But on a happy note!!!!!!! I took Gunnar to daycare today and the lip stayed put(that means it did not stick out so far that I thought it could hit the ground) and he was happy!! He did not even acknowledge me once he was in that door!! Afterwards I was kind of thinking to myself, "Should I be happy or sad about that?" But I Dont care! My Little man was Happy!!! And then on an even happier note!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am officially Divorced!! After two years I am finally free!! So, Who ever is around here( and here I mean in the boondocks!) I am going out and I am painting the town red!! After my horrible Valentines day Party on Saturday!! Party! Party! Party!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Ok! So, I decided to vlog and it shows you just what a dork I am! Don't jugde me to harshly!!LOL
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Mommy Knows...

10. When a baby cries you instinctively want to go to it! The other day I was in the waitress station and I was talking to Kelsey. We heard a baby start to cry and in the middle of our conversation I started to dash over there until I realized it wasn't my kid and the mother was with it. I went back to Kelsey and she just started laughing at me.
9. Throw up and boogers can be projected across the room! Yuck!!
8. What can be put in a baby's mouth will be there if not watched.
7. I always said my kid would never ever through a fit, because he wouldn't be spoiled. Yeah...that isn't true of any kid!!! My kid throws fits just to see my reaction!! Never say never!
6. If you didn't think something could break, just put it in the hands of a child!
5. Knowing you have the work of twenty to get done before a certain time and also knowing you only have the help of yourself to do it!
4. There favorite thing can not be replaced with something else!!
3. If you put it up high and you think they can't get to it. Think again!!
2. They will always find a way to amaze you!
1. No matter how much your child makes you mad they can make you heart melt with just a touch or a smile!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
You would think I would be Used to it!
It's funny since I separated from my ex husband I have dated a few guys and they all do the same thing. You would think I would get used to it! I don't understand why men can't be considerate enough to just tell you it's over rather than just lead you on. The bad thing is he promised no games. Shame on me I guess for thinking anything different could happen!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Foto Friday! Oh I mean Photo Friday!
My handsome little man has been around woman to much!! He looks in the mirror while I am doing my make-up and pretends to put some on too! Now he is wearing my shoes! But he looks so darn CUTE!!!
I decided to try out a sangria recipe!! I had never had it before and thought why not! And it looks so pretty too! Ignore me if you are looking for pretty! LOL!

Now I was looking for a recipe for my Valentines Party for the resturaunt I work for and those still sound so good! But, Doesn't this drink sound so good, look so good, and it can be drank by almost any of the food we are serving! The spin I put on it though, I put strawberries in it! Yum!!
Love, Laugh, and Drink Up!
Bad day into good night!

Love, Laugh, and Drink Up!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Top Five Things Going on in my Life!

5. Poop... It doesn't belong in training pants! But for some odd reason my son can not manage to tell me that he that he has to poop before the vein in his forehead starts popping out and he starts to grunt!
4. Late!! I was late for work this week. I don't know why but it is one of my pet peeves!! I am on time, if not early, always!!
3. Sleep...My little man isn't liking the idea of staying in bed! I know, he is still doing it!! At least there is a lock now!!
2. Tantrums...I don't get it. I do something or anything that makes him mad and he is on the ground kicking and screaming! It embarrasses me to no end!!
1. Chunks!!! I am sick and tired of chunks being blown!! (gross!) First it was Gunnar and this morning it was the dog! I am just waiting for the cat to chime in and then it should be my turn, right?
What is your opinion on these? Am I qualified to go to the nut house yet?LOL
Love, Laugh, and Drink Up!!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
My Pitch!

I like Mama Kat at Mama's losin it. And I recently saw that she had joined 31 days to a better blog at http://www.problogger.net/. I thought it would be a good and fun thing for me to do also. So, my first assignment was to create and elevator pitch, one short and one long! A pitch that can be told in enough time to have a ride on the elevator. And not a naughty one either!! Need more time for a naughty one anyways! LOL (I crack myself up!) So, here are my pitches!
First the short one:
"Welcome to the spills and thrills of a Mommy/ Bartender!!"
Second, the long one:
"Do you need a drink idea? Or a different approach to dealing with a child that has just thown himself on the ground in a tantrum? I have a drink of the day, Ask Tarbender, and random events of a Mommy/ Bartender at Drinks and Diapers!"
So, what do you think? Does it sell my blog or should I add anything else?
Love, Laugh and Drink Up!
First the short one:
"Welcome to the spills and thrills of a Mommy/ Bartender!!"
Second, the long one:
"Do you need a drink idea? Or a different approach to dealing with a child that has just thown himself on the ground in a tantrum? I have a drink of the day, Ask Tarbender, and random events of a Mommy/ Bartender at Drinks and Diapers!"
So, what do you think? Does it sell my blog or should I add anything else?
Love, Laugh and Drink Up!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Chunks, drinks and jokes!!

But on a happier note, I ended up getting a comment from my Mom over at http://gammasharon.blogspot.com/ and in one of my blogs I asked for some questions so she asked, "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" So, this recipe is for you mom!!
Woodchuck Wassail
2 quarts woodchuck cider
2 cups cranberry juice
3/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 teaspoon allspice
1 orange studded with whole cloves
1 cup rum
Combine all ingredients in a slow cooker and brew 4-5 hours before serving!!
And then I also looked up a non-alcoholic recipe for Karen at http://www.apeekatkarensworld.com/.
Sunshine Splash
3 oz. O.J.
3 oz Pineapple Juice
2 oz Lemon Lime Soda
1 oz Sour mix
1/2 oz Grenadine
Stir all with ice in a parfait glass. Garnish with a pineapple slice! Yum Yum!!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Ask Miss Tarbender!

Today I was today I got one of my usual emails from Better Homes and Gardens(I like all that stuff too!!) And the subject read things to do while you are stuck in the house during winter and of course I go there and manage to find myself in the drink recipe page. (maybe they know my stupid obsession for recipes or they are implying something, I don't know). But they did have a drink on there that sounded like it would be sweet and sophisticated like a Riesling wine is. It is called Twinkling Ginger Champagne!! Sounds absolutely enticing to me!! So, I hope you liked that little thought, Divine Mrs D!?! And thank you so much for the comment!!
Monday, January 18, 2010
I need your HELP!?!?

Love, Laugh, and Drink Up!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Part 2: Candy, Chocolate Syrup, and Locks!

Love, Laugh, and Drink Up!!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Candy, Chocolate Syrup, and Locks!

Love, Laugh, and Drink Up!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

1. Serendipity
2. Cassinova
3. Cosmo
4. Cupids Arrow #2
5. Sex on the bar (thought I would throw one in to make you laugh!)
And feel free to come up with your own, but these are actual drink names and if you come up with your own have some fun to create your own recipe with the name!!
Monday, January 11, 2010

This may come as a surprise but in high school I dated a really tall guy (6'5", 300lbs to be precise). Everyone thought it was really funny considering my size. I was only 5'1"(and I don't forget that one inch!!) and I only weighed 90lbs. I loved my government teacher and we would walk by and say hi every morning. At the time it was his govt teacher. And then the next year I had him. One morning the teacher asked me if we were still dating since he had graduated and kind of questioned why I would want to date such a big guy. And at the end of the conversation he said that we looked like Yogi and Booboo. And that is how I got the nickname Booboo.
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